Friday, September 26, 2008

Little John-John's Big Day!

Today was the day! John-John was all decked-out in his naval christening suit and ready for the camera. This baby just makes you chuckle with his happy-go-lucky demeanor. Always ready with a smile, he is a photographer's dream! Keep grinning little man - you have much to be thankful for!How easy it is to create a simply thank you...all you have to do is address the envelopes and Viola! Why overwork yourself, let me do it for you!

Mom couldn't decide what picture she liked best so I created this collage for her. That should solve the problem! LOL!

If you are having a christening / communion at the Bethwood, don't hesitate to give me a call. I can likely pop over and snap some pictures of your babe and the guests won't even realize that you were gone. As easy as 1, 2, 3!

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