Ah, two year-olds...I've writting on my blog many times about those percocious little people who love to keep ya running. I always try to let parents know that they aren't alone, especially since I have my own 2 year-old to always chase around.
SO, when coming in for your 2 year-old photo shoot:
1.)Stay calm, nothing will go as you envisioned it.
2.) Please realized that I've likely seen it all, no worries!
3.) Watch them have fun and I'll try my best to capture the true joy of being two!
4.) Go home and have a drink. LOL...

If you would like to try again, no problem! A reshoot is always an option! My job is to make sure that you get exactly what you want.
Meantime, enjoy the ride...it all goes so fast. You'll always have these pictures to remember how silly it all was!